this course you and I will create a web application using Java Spring and
Angular. We will get all the skills to create our own applications using one
of the most popular technology stack. One of the main topics of our course will be creating a server using REST API. If you are not familiar with REST API, it is the ability to send data over the Internet using the HTTP protocol. In this course we will create our APIs completely from scratch and transfer data from the server to our application in the browser. We will use Spring Security to secure our application using JSON Web Token to authorize our users. We'll also connect a MySQL database where we'll save the data to We will create User Interface using one of the most popular frameworks - Angular JS. We will learn how to accept http data, create services and components where we will display or accept our users' data, etc. And most importantly we will learn how to correctly approach solving those or other problems that will be encountered on our way in creating our application. At the end of the course you will have much more than just understanding how to write code. Which will give you the ability to create more complex applications with more complex and interesting functionality for users. And hopefully open up more horizons for you. Who this course is for: Post-beginning programmers with an interest in building Full-Stack web applications using Java Spring and Angular What you will learn Programming web applications using modern technical stack Creating REST APIs using Java Spring Creating Single Page Application (SPA) using AngularJS User Authentication using Json Web Token Creating Full-Stack Web Application Creating custom Annotations Using custom Error classes Approach to finding bugs and errors Connecting and using MySQL database Object validation on the server (Java) and on the client (Angular) Course content 10 sections - 71 lectures - Total duration 6 h 59 min