nutritional science course is from a licensed nutritionist in Los Angeles. In
the age of the internet, it is very easy to find any information that
interests us. But it is very difficult to know which of this information is
really reliable. You don't have to waste any more time looking for answers to
your nutrition questions on the internet. Our course contains only the most
useful information based on the latest scientific research! With the knowledge gained after listening to our course, you will be able to understand your nutrition and help your loved ones. You will learn how to make a varied, and most importantly tasty diet for the whole family! You will learn what to eat to stay healthy and energetic. You will be able to apply this knowledge and to create a new business - nutrition consultant. The course will help you stand out amongst your peers with your knowledge if you work in the fitness industry. Our course will be very interesting and useful for nutritionists and nutritionists who always want to learn something new in their profession! Don't hesitate, feel free to register for our course and start your training today! Thank you for your choice! Who this course is for: Those who want to correct their weight and help their loved ones: Learn about nutriciology and dietetics. Get certified. Use the knowledge for yourself, your family and counseling clients! Fitness instructors and health care providers: Solve the issue of attracting and retaining customers to your business forever. Stand out from the crowd of competitors with your level of knowledge in nutrition and nutritional science! To practicing nutritionists who want to upgrade their skills! What you will learn Why we eat what we eat How to create a healthy diet How to make friends with sugar Fat: friend or foe Why do I need protein in my diet? Antioxidants - what are they? Healing molecules in food Vegetarianism - is it for me? Myths and truth about newfangled diets Secrets of longevity and health Course content 4 sections - 12 lectures - Total duration 2 h 15 min.