course is intended both for people who have never studied programming
languages and for those who already know Java and want to deepen their
knowledge and prepare for an interview for a Junior Developer position.
Java is a very powerful language, which is used in many areas: in web development, in Android application development, in server applications, and is considered quite difficult for beginners, but do not worry, we have specially built the material so that it would be understandable to schoolchildren and students and people from various professions, including non-technical, who do not have any experience in programming. All you need is a desire to learn and a computer. The lectures contain homework assignments so that you not only listen to the material, but also reinforce it in practice. In this course we will learn Java syntax from scratch, basic constructs - loops and conditions, consider object-oriented programming, learn such scary concepts as encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, and it turns out that they are not so scary, learn to create multithreaded programs and much more. In the second section of the course, we'll begin an in-depth study of Java. We will get acquainted with JUnit testing, we will analyze in detail the most popular collections from Java Collections Framework and write our own implementations of many of them. We will deeply understand one of the most complex topics in Java - multithreaded programming, work with files, I/O streams, Stream API and much more. Each section will be a breakdown of the most popular interview questions. At the end of the course, you should be fully prepared to interview for the Java SE portion of the Junior Developer position. If after learning the basics of Java, you plan to start developing Android applications, you can find my Android course here on the site, I will be glad to see you there. We wish you success in mastering your new profession, and see you on the course pages. Who this course is for: You don't need any initial knowledge to take this course, the course is designed for people who have never done programming. What you will learn Program development in Java Java syntax Basic constructs - loops and conditionals Object-oriented programming Multithreading JUnit-testing Collections Framework (detailed analysis) Generics (generalizations) Stream API I/O Streams Interview preparation Course content 22 sections - 249 lectures - Total duration 37 hours 54 minutes