weight for a short period of time is successful for almost everyone, but most
easily regain their pounds and layer of fat at the same rate as they lost it.
Therefore, the main problem with all diets and methods is that they do not
give a person guidance on how to keep the achieved results. Of course, the
benefits are negligible. The vast majority of practices used by modern nutritionists and nutritionists are untenable because they require significant effort on the part of the individual. Anything that requires effort cannot last. Sooner or later, people break down and return to the same lifestyle that ruined their health and gifted them with dozens of pounds of fat. This doesn't mean that people are weak-willed, it's natural. Just like drug addicts or alcoholics return to their addiction after struggling with themselves. Doing it right involves more than just telling people what to eat and how much to exercise. This is not enough and it is ineffective for most people. Through many years of work with such people, we are convinced that it is possible to get a stable result only if three components are worked out: psychology (this includes motivation, self-esteem, food addiction and emotional overeating), physiology - correction of insulin resistance, adaptation of taste buds, eating style, as well as behavioral correction - elementary habits of physical activity, choice of rest, formation of a context in which it is impossible to gain weight. All of these components must be worked on and then, if you do it right, the problem of weight gain will no longer be a big deal for you. Done correctly, it makes a person free to make food, exercise and lifestyle choices and requires no effort to maintain health. Since the changes are fundamental, we have decided to call this course body reprogramming. Who this course is for: All those who are tired and frustrated with diets and desperate to become slim and healthy. Everyone who wants to be slim without violence against themselves What you will learn Reprogram the body and be slim always and without effort, even if you have never succeeded. Get rid of the psychological dependence on food Change your physiology and thus keep a stable weight, beautiful figure and health. Develop new habits that will make it impossible to deposit fat and develop diseases. Course content 5 sections - 19 lectures - Total duration 3 h 30 min.