course for beginners with a detailed study of the fundamentals and their
application on real projects.
Why learn JavaScript?
JavaScript is a rapidly growing language with a large community. Not a
single website on the internet is without it. JavaScript gives you many ways
to develop. Knowing this language, you can learn different frameworks
Angular, Vue, React, server-side development on Node.js, mobile development
React Native, Ionic.
The course is divided into several parts in which you are waiting for
projects, tests, also under the video there will be useful links,
presentations and homework on which you can practice the knowledge you have
gained. From time to time there will be homework breakdowns.
- New homework assignments
- Other ES6 features. Map, Set, Generators, Iterators, etc.
- Regular expressions
- Docker basics
- CI/CD basics
- Application using Google AP
Who this course is for:
Beginning JavaScript developers
Beginning Developers
Layout Developers
Backend developers
What you will learn
JavaScript and programming basics: variables, logical operators, if / else,
loops, functions, arrays, etc.
More complex structures such as this, closures, classes, constructors,
inheritance and prototypes
Learn asynchronous JavaScript such as Event Loop, AJAX, Promises,
Learn to work with third-party API
Write several projects using ES6+
Learn new features of ES6+ standard
Learn to organize and structure code
Bonus. Parsing tasks from interviews and how to start freelancing.
Let's get acquainted with the modern Webpack builder
Homework and presentations on the main topics of the course
Learn how to work with the Git version control system
VueJS framework basics
Course content 17 sections - 153 lectures - Total duration 46 hours 7
JavaScript Fundamentals DOM Element Manipulation and Events Asynchronous JavaScript. Part #1 Asynchronous JavaScript. Part #2 OOP Modules Authentication Teamwork. Git. Scrum. More about code style and linting. Eslint. Husky. Lint staged. Git hooks. Testing in JavaScript
34 lectures - 9 h 44 min 12 lectures - 3 h 52 min 12 lectures - 3 h 6 min 4 lectures - 1 h 15 min 5 lectures - 1 hour 16 min 12 lectures - 5 h 15 min 8 lectures - 1 h 55 min 10 lectures - 2 h 28 min 4 lectures - 57 min 5 lectures - 1 h 31 min