is a backend JavaScript execution environment designed for building scalable
network applications. Nowadays, it is used not only for building backend for
frontend, but also for writing full-fledged backend applications,
microservices and website parsers. It is not substitutable for creating
GraphQL APIs or running SSR frontend applications.
In this course, we'll take it apart from scratch, so you're only required
to have a basic knowledge of JavaScript. This course is different from many
because we will not just write APIs in express. Our goal is to learn all the
concepts of Node.js and write several applications - a simple CLI weather
utility and an architecturally complex API where we will only need express to
redirect requests and intermediate handlers.
Otherwise, the API will be designed according to a layer architecture where
we will explicitly separate layers of handlers, controllers, services and
repositories from each other. We will even write our own small framework that
is easily scalable and where the components are as separable as possible.
The lectures contain both a theoretical part and live-code, where we will
write and design our applications together. At the end of each module you
will be given a quiz to reinforce your knowledge, and small exercises along
the course to practice writing code.
As a result of the course, you will have the knowledge and skills to
effectively write applications in Node.js and move on to large modern
frameworks like NestJS. Moreover, the code samples you'll see in the course
are written with real-world practices in mind for designing and writing
easily maintainable and scalable applications.
Who this course is for:
Beginning developers with knowledge of JavaScript
Frontend developers who want to go fullstack
Experienced developers who want to get familiar with NodeJS
What you will learn
Develop applications in NodeJS
Build a scalable application architecture
Know the internals of NodeJS and V8
Understand Event Loop
Write in TypeScript
Use Dependecy Injection
Write easily maintainable code
Integrate with external APIs
Write unit and e2e tests
Work with SQL databases via ORM
Analyze performance and memory leaks
Write your own intermediate handlers
Implement authorization and Guard for APIs
Course content 18 sections - 99 lectures - Total duration 18 hrs 4 mins
Introduction Setting up your environment Getting started with Node.js How does Node.js work? Multithreading V8 engine Node Package Manager Appendix 1 - CLI Weather Forecast Appendix 2 - API with ExpressJS Migration to TypeScript
5 lectures - 32 min 3 lectures - 17 min 8 lectures - 1 h 25 min 7 lectures - 1 hour 27 min 4 lectures - 54 min 2 lectures - 39 min 5 lectures - 53 min 11 lectures - 1 hour 57 min 7 lectures - 50 min 11 lectures - 1 h 54 min